Aged Care Quality Standards | Aged Care Learning Solutions
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Aged Care Quality Standards

Aged Care Quality Standards Learning Resources

The standards have been in effect since the1st July 2019. Your workforce is now required to have the knowledge and training to deliver care and services in line with the 8 new standards.

About Me Series 

Our About Me Series will introduce your workforce to the concept of the consumer being at the centre of the new standards. These 9 highly engaging 10-15 minute videos will introduce the new standards from the consumer perspective. The learner will have a practical understanding of the Aged Care Quality Standards and scenarios will facilitate the application of their learning. 

Click below to preview the About Me Introduction Video

Look and Act Toolkits 

We are also excited to introduce the ‘Look and Act’ toolkits. The ‘Look and Act’ toolkits address the high impact/high prevalence risks topics from Standard 3 and Open Disclosure (Standard 8) to supplement the existing learning resources. 


These 10 to 15 minute learning activities are optimised for mobile phones and other devices and provide ‘Just in Time’ learning to further develop your workforce’s knowledge, observational and reporting skills.

Why choose us? 

  • Aged Care Learning Solutions has been in the care sector for 17 years in September.

  • We have delivered 680,000 enrolments in a range of aged care topics nationally and internationally.

  • Our learning resources are also endorsed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

  • Our recent snapshot of 20,000 learner evaluations yeilded 4 and 5 star reviews. 

We pride ourselves in being responsive and adaptive to the changes in the care industry, ensuring our content is of the highest quality, current and reflects the industry’s needs.


We understand the new Aged Care Quality Standards (ACQS) may be overwhelming, but we are here to help.

Learning Resources mapped to the 8 Standards

Our learning resources are mapped to the 8 Standards, cover a range of topics including the high impact, high prevelance risks under standard 3. All of the mandatory topics are still covered plus many more. New topics include: Antimicrobial Stewardship, Social Inclusion and Organisational Governance. All worker roles are catered for including a CPD solution for your registered nurses.


Our website now has a "New Standards Updates" section where we will post any relevant Aged Care Quality Standards information.

Support and Advice

We are here to support you, offer advice, and partner to provide a tailored solution to help you comply with the new Standards. 

Don’t be caught out! Assessment and monitoring against the standards continues with gaps identified across a number of the Standards.

For more information about a tailored E-Learning Solutions please email or call us on (02) 9999 1993 

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